Corporate Social Responsibility In A Progressive Shop

Rapid prototyping and prototype manufacturing.As China’s economy has grown enormously over the last few decades, hundreds of thousands of small shops and factories have sprouted up all over the country to take advantage of the influx of foreign capital and those buyers and product developers looking for low labor prices. We all know this, and one sad fact of this desire for the cheapest price has been the plethora of so-called sweatshops. Maybe you’ve seen a few yourself, and regardless of the product being made they are all depressingly similar: dimly lit and dirty, with crumbling walls, broken fixtures and a total lack of concern for worker safety or personal comfort.

Prices are low because nothing has been invested in infrastructure or the care of those making the product. The hours are long and exhausting, the machinery is primitive, the pay is low and no one is happy except, maybe, the owner. As for environmental concerns, they can be almost non-existent.

It’s little wonder that this reputation, although not universally accurate by any means, still clings to products labeled “Made in China”, and there are many conscientious buyers from other countries who might be attracted to the low cost but who are understandably concerned about what kind of business they are inadvertently supporting. Increasing attention is therefore being paid to the idea of corporate social responsibility, wherein reputable firms are only willing to do business with suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to ethical treatment of the workforce.

If you look around this website, you’ll see some nice pictures of our factory, our machines and some of the products that we make. We’re proud of our factory, and we didn’t just tidy it up for these photos. It may not be spotless every day; after all, we’re machinists and we make chips fly. But, day in and day out, we work hard to make sure that it’s a safe, comfortable and humane environment for the men and women who make Star what it is.

What you can’t see so clearly is how we treat our people even when they’re not working. When you join Michigan CNC Machining Parts, Inc., you become part of a family and we treat our family well. Of course, free onsite housing is available if needed, in clean rooms with modern amenities.  A shuttle bus is provided, as are three meals a day in the canteen. Workers get health insurance, a savings plan, yearly bonus and salary review, yearly health screenings, and paid maternity leave among many other considerations.

In addition to those tangibles, there are also parties and special occasions, birthday celebrations, company trips and generous holidays. And since we expect excellence, we also provide cross training in many manufacturing disciplines via our team of seasoned experts. If you expect the best, you need to give the best, and we do. After all, this is our home and we’re investing in the future of the business and the people who make it work. We welcome you to come and see for yourself. Contact us today to set up a factory tour.

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