Design for Manufacturing

How To Save Money On Your Next CNC Project
There are many ways to improve your design drawings to make them faster, easier and cheaper to CNC machine while maintaining quality. One way is by understanding and optimizing your specifications for corner radii. Sometimes a few minor changes to your corner radii...
What Tolerances Can You Expect When Manufacturing Prototypes And Low-Volume Production?
When you supply your 2D and 3D drawings for a quotation on a new project, you must specify the dimensions for critical areas on your parts, as well as the tolerance that you require. Very tight tolerances are neither practical nor desirable in most instances, so let’s look at the tolerances that we specify at Michigan CNC Machining Parts, Inc. for most projects, why we do that and what it means for your parts.

How Can You Prevent Your Product From Being a Failure?
There’s a plethora of reasons for why new products fail. But there are different steps you can take to minimize the risks when developing a new product.